I took part in the 'Live Below The Line ' food test (To live on £1 a day for all meals and beverages) to try and understand what its like for 1.4 billion people around the world who live off £1 a day for their whole daily allowance.S.A.F.E the charity ?Whatif! have been working with this year promoted the challenge to us to help raise awareness and funding for them.
Later this year I will be physically pushing myself to walk the 5k charity march for 'Race For Life'. It doesn't sound like much but I'm partially disabled and hate pink (which I'll be covered in!) So it definitely won't be a 'walk in the park' -excuse the pun!
I've also been on courses galore and crazy in general but I haven't forgotten you!
In the mean time, I've been looking at bringing to life more characters from my side project, currently named LUBU ISLAND...
Here is The Captain, the wise seadog who circles the island giving it regular inspections, checking everyones abiding by his own made-up rules!
If you'd like to find out more about this character his fellow neighbours on the island go to the PROJECTS page to find out more!


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