Chant-Holler-Din! - Crying Lightening

One thing I've always loved and thanks to a tight wad family have never had enough of are music videos. A able drought and not attaining any decent music channels by 29 is still not giving me the thrills I need - I need to work on that! -I was sitting in a salon when this video popped up and I fell in love with it! Hurrah for the enlightenment the hairdressers gave me!

The music video I'm talking about is 'Crying Lightening by The Arctic Monkeys. A single released for their third album Humbug way back on 2009. The music video, directed by Richard Ayoade (who worked with the band previously on the video for "Fluorescent Adolescent", reminds me a lot of Gorillaz handiwork but with people. Shows the band performing in a little boat strewn with carnival lights sailing a rough sea. They sail from dusk through to night with mini versions of their instruments and later discover huge, mountainous versions of themselves that they look a bit scared of... Besides that bit, its very good! Play on!


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