An East London Companion by Herb Lester

Herb Lester are researchers, writers and printers of the most gorgeous maps and guides I've ever seen! They go and find all the most loved hotspots, hidden gems as well as the everyday destinations; bookshops, coffee shops, park benches and dive bars, hat shops and haberdashers: this is the world according to Herb Lester.

AN EAST LONDON COMPANION - £4.00 is a great example of their gorgeous work...

This gorgeous guide takes us from Old Street to Hackney Wick, exploring and uncovering delights old and new, places to eat and drink, cultural centres, shops and markets. 
The 99 entries represent the very best east London has to offer.

The map is illustrated by Telegramme with design by Studio Booth. It is A2 (420x594mm) folded to A6 (105x148mm), and litho printed in the UK on recycled paper.

-Test taken from the Herb Lester Website.