The Toucan Project

You know those really irritating in-jokes, the kind that you come across usually when you are single and alone with a couple who bang on for hours referencing a special occasion where something hilariously happened (but you had to really be there to get it) or just mess around like new-born kittens, whilst you sit in the corner counting the bubbles in your beer. Frankly I find them sickeningly annoying but I know I'm exactly the same, my partner and I have been friends for many years now and therefore have quite a few ourselves, so I'll just move swiftly on, but this is basically all about that... 

Before we became an item my boyfriend & I spent a lot of time in pubs, whiling away the hours talking rubbish and weirdness. It's probably the reason why we are now together, realising there aren't that many people in the World who are happy making and balancing polystyrene aeroplanes precariously on sharp edges whilst contemplating which biscuits would be best to dunk in alcoholic beverages. We're relatively unique in our selfish entertainment but like they say, there's now't as weird as folk. I look back on those early days very fondly, so I used this as inspiration for this years Valentines gift project.

Our favourite combination of biscuit Vs beverage contemplation (the beverage must A be alcoholic and B preferably chilled - thus making the match harder) was the glorious Celtic Guinness with the sturdy British Bourbon. So after heavily analysing, hypothesising and role-playing this scenario during a wander by the Thames, we found ourselves passing a newsagents, popping in for a pack of the brown crumblies and heading on to a nice cozy pub. We never looked back, a match made in heaven!
My idea was to give Jimbo (the boy) a personalised bottle of Guinness with a bit of Valentine branding on it. I decided to play on the Guinness toucan and give it the headline 'Two can play on Valentine's Day' which would then lead the way for some cheekily romantic coupons to be hung around the bottle's neck.
The Label
The front reads, Roses, Violets are blue, We both love Guinness, so this one's for you!
The right hand label (the back label would have space for a personal message.)
In the end after purchasing a bottle of Guinness I actually started again on the label and re-iterated the design above over their actual current label to make it more realistic. However, this may make it too realistic and he may NEVER notice... tsk.

This is the final bottle.

 The Vouchers
12 voucher offers, 1 for each month of the year ahead.

How to make the Voucher Booklet
Getting crafty

1. design and print 12 vouchers making sure they are at least 2mm smaller than your outer cover which is double their length  (plus 4mm and 2mm their width). Making sure they all have aligned pin hole marks to sew them all together in the correct place. -A download of this design will be attached to this post at a later date.

2. Cut out all 13 pieces and pre-pierce each voucher.

3. Score the dotted line and crease both ways so its is easy for the recipient to detach.

4. Starting from the back of the book sew each of the vouchers on to the thread through just one of the holes (the same hole for each voucher) from 12 to 1 very carefully, making sure there are no tangles and they don't get too compressed that it is hard to thread your needle through. When you reach the front cover, go right through the other side, then turn to the other hole and thread it backwards. Make sure you leave enough thread at the back to tie a knot with the other end of your thread when you reach the other end (the back) of your voucher book.

5. Check everything is in the correct order and make a loop with your left over cotton.

6. And there you have it! - now go hang t on a bottle of prosecco or something!

Look at it just hanging there - made for each other they were!

All Wrapped Up
I also bought a packet of bourbons and made a belly band and wrapped them both in cute wrapping which had the logo all over it, I haven't taken shots of this as its pretty boring and you guys can totes use your imaginations on that one! -But this is the final bottle.

TaDa! Love to you all, beautiful people!


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