Object of Lust- Axis Maps

Maybe its because my Pa curls up with maps of Scottish Isles every night, maybe its their intricate beauty of unknown lands, rolling hills, and valleys and seemingly endless rivers and forests. But I do leap for joy every time I see something creative being done with a map! 
Introducing Axis Maps
 Axis Maps are a small cartography company who design and make custom paper and digital maps. Originally based in Madison, WI, they are now located across 4 states and 2 countries. They have amazingly clever digital infographical maps like this one:
Which shows a global map of the world on September 11 2001 made as part of the New York Times' special report on the 10-year anniversary of September 11, 2001. It displays more than 40,000 interactive points indicating where people were on that day. Visitors to the map drop a pin to add their own location and short comment. All users' locations are shown as dots colored according to their specified mood after reflection on the past decade, and filtering and search controls allow for more specific views. Built-in links to post on Twitter and Facebook facilitate sharing users' stories with others. Eye boggling and heart touching stuff.
The paper maps began as a fun side-project, using typography to tell you the geography  and placement of major city streets, highways, parks, water areas and more.
They are designed manually and take many many hours to piece together. Patience is a virtue!
Each city intentionally differs in style, but the end result is definitely a family collective look and feel.


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