Lubu's Gotta Brand New Bag....

It's gonna be March soon and good things happen in March. It's starting to feel like spring. Birds start fancying eachother and singing, lambs begin appearing or are definitely in the process and flowers start springing up like ribbons out of the murky churned up grassy areas of London all stewed in winter ware from footballers and dog walkers. Another good thing is happening to me too (No its not my birthday...well it is but its not that no, no, no...
Up until this point I've been a freelance designer working for great places and on great projects. I've been super happy and loving the busy, sporadic lifestyle plus the great weekdays off so you can pop to the odd pop-up illustration class at TopShop and the like... But then all of a sudden I was put accidentally put forward to a company looking for a permanent role... the company was ?Whatif! and they're a pretty special crowd... My cat instincts told me I had to investigate further...

Clever Website stuff
 The Spider Cow that belongs in the Designer's Kitchen!
Essentially they are an innovation company working with clients to evolve their company/brand or product in the most innovating way possible. They're all about potential, questioning boundaries and expanding possibilities... neat huh? They are all about happiness, inspiration and creativity and quite frankly why would you not want to work for folk like that??
An idea generation client meeting
That is Ben Steven's' arm (The Head of Realness -The Design Team) drawing a RoundUp Board encapsulating all the ideas, considerations and thoughts that had inspired the past few days spent idea generating with their client... some people write word documents... some draw Tigers, what can I say?
Soooo... they met me, tested me, set me briefs, presentations, made me eat cookies and drink many different types of drinks and then said they liked me and that I could stay - wooohoo!  Once I'd accepted a big box of presents came in the post, cunningly hiding my contract and so I've been nibbling on chocolate and biscuits all week reading books on inspiration! -Its a hard life I gotta say!
So, that's it for the freelance gig for now :( sad times.... but New Beginnings folks! and I'll have access to so much inspiration God Knows what I'll be getting up to in my evenings to present to you!
Good Times


  1. Yay!! You're amazing Lu, well done!! xx

  2. Congratulations!!!!! WELL DONE - Well deserved, I knew they would love you! Look forward to hearing all about it.
