The Sunday Roast

Happy Sunday Everyone!
It's bright and Sunday and South London is all a-bustle with folk curing hangovers and prepping Sunday Roasts, so I thought I'd do the same!

I started my new company this week and boy, what a joy! Definitely the most friendly, inspiring and happy place I've ever worked and I can't wait for tomorrow. When you spend most of your life at work, it's amazing the different a wonderful work environment can do.

Because it was my first week I've been able to leave on the dot and visit some exciting places like the Somerset House exhibition PICK ME UP Art Fair and The Secret Tea Room which I will be talking about next week. This week, however, was about the imaginative illustrators Supakitch and Koralie,  The beautiful Bills Cafe and the picture perfect photography of Vivian Maier.

Supakich and Koralie
An awesome pair of illustrators who are amazing individually in their own right but together produce jaw dropping wall murals...
Bills Cafe
I had to tell you about Bills after spending another gorgeous Saturday Lunchtime sapling their veggie curry! Bills Cafe was created by Bill after he wanted to move develop his green grocers that had been on the same spot trading for 2 decades. Its an amazingly popular venue, which is its only problem, fight for your seat if you dare!!
Vivian Maier
I'd read a very short article about the discovery of Maier a few months ago and had been itching to find out more ever since. A secretive nanny but stunning photographer, Maier shot images of street folk in 1950's Chicago. No-one knew of her photographic talent until an estate agent bought her negatives at auction in 2007. Soon her work will be showing in London. Try and get along to the London Street Photography Festival 2011 On July 1st to experience 1950's Chicago through the eyes of this fabulous artist.
Keep your Sunday Smiles folks and Happy Weekend! xXx