PopUp Shop - Mothers Day

Photographs taken by Siobhan Watts at http://www.hello-flower.com/
Last Weekend was The Create Place's second venture in to the Pop-Up world and although they were slightly set back by those pesky London riots it was a sterling success. Jill Robertson did an amazing job at rallying the collective together and the shop was rammed with eager East London buyers! -Yaye - well done everyone at The Create Place!
Due to the success of all the PopUp Shops The Create Place is now becoming a full-time retail outlet so whether you're  having a coffee at The Gallery Cafe, visiting the V&A Childhood or just passing by, you should stick your head in, say hello, find out about all the latest workshops and pick up some of the gorgeous handmade goodies from the collective every day. Visit their brand new website to access their upcoming workshops and all the latest news from the comfort of your sofa. Or when you're out and about with your clever phone.
I love working with the collective and being part of something so very special. It's great to watch it grow and see how it develops supporting the local community and aspiring artists, designers and makers. If you want to know more about it or get involve yourself just drop them an email! 
Photographs taken by Siobhan Watts at http://www.hello-flower.com/


  1. Yay we love the Create Place! I have an idea to speak to you about which I think you'll love. Especially as unlike most of my ideas it requires that you do practically nothing!! Miss you!! xxx
