Are you a cord cutter or a hyper connector?

Apple analysis with the help of Android app!

Apple revealed the other day who they believe will be and who are currently using their Smartwatch, even though its not even due out till next year! -Un surprisingly the bods at Apple are on the ball with doing their consumer research and have been doing it for the past 4 months.

Even though the hardware (I'm still undecided whether I'm a fan or not) is not out yet  -Yes we'll be staving off the sleeping bag sack races to the Apple store counters of Regent St. until sometime next year. The software has been out for 4 months on Google Android wear, allowing Apple to get their analytical, spinny hats on and look at the tech hungry and early adopters to find out what behaviours the watch is encouraging. 

They currently believe that their users fall into 2 camps: The Cord Cutters and the hyper connected. Luckily for us (and their wallets) Apple think they can accommodate all of us - hurrah! -So to elaborate a little bit more, these groups are: Those who see smartwatches as a way to disconnect, and those who feel the need for constant digital contact. And while it sounds paradoxical and unhealthy or perhaps even unethical, David Singleton (Director of Android Wear) believes that both of these ways of usage stop, the anxiety of their respective users.

“We actually started to notice this [divide] internally developing the products. We knew before we launched, there was a set of users who felt being hyperconnected was something they wanted strongly," … "[Knowing] there’s nothing urgent helps them feel really relaxed. Wrapping our head around that was something we had to learn. And it’s something we’ve come to see as people purchase the devices.”
-To be honest, that's the digital information landslide that you see happening daily. The constant drip is already in existence. It’s relatively easy to give someone a stream of everything, being smart and selective is a lot more difficult.

There have recently been the first updates on the android software for Apple. For the disconnectors and additional advancement is that the watches, which currently depend entirely on a bluetooth connection to a smartphone to operate, will get a new offline mode which now allows the user to track a run via GPS or listen to some workout tunes without having to bring the phone along for the journey! Singleton calls these situations "sometimes connected experiences.” -“We think this starts to lay the building blocks for something that will happen more and more,”... “There will be times you have your phone, and times you just have your watch.” -David Singleton tells Co.Design

Singleton continues…“In the second camp, the folks want to be connected, but they work more in triage mode," …"which means, it’s great for me to be able to know if any urgent interruptions came in, like a phone call, or SMS from my wife. But other stuff, maybe my email, I’m happy to deal with later.” For this group, the Android Wear team has done a few things. First, they’ve used this knowledge to inform the development of Google's new Android L smartphone software. The team built a feature called 'Priority Notification Mode', where a user can choose a personal notification specification regarding call receivership, emails, and SMS' from their VIP list. It also has a new "peeking card" mode that makes notifications appear, not as a wallpaper popup that takes up most of the screen, but a subtle tab that you can pull on to expand or swipe away to dismiss.

 “[With Android Wear] it was a core design goal of ours for people to stay more present in their real world engagement, but that doesn’t necessarily mean cutting down their engagement with their emails."

Well thats a lot of consumer analytics for a device that hasn't actually launched yet isn't it? But there is still one question that remains unanswered… if I may borrow some words from the Cadbury's creme egg... "How will you use yours?"

-Original source from Co Design


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