A note of appreciation for Bread & Jam
My last favourite find from Little Paperie are the very cute creative team of Bread & Jam. They have something reminiscent of Orla Kiely and Rob Ryan combined, which makes sense as they say they are inspired by Mid-Century fabric, glass and ceramic patterns. They are based in Cumbria so I'm very excited to be telling you about our home grown talent rather than my usual chat of great designers from across the pond.
They are a small creative team making fabulous things for your home and to give as gifts to friends and loved ones, I absolutely love their 'Notes of...' collection.
Their philosophy is "take a really great quality basic and sweeten it up using our own hand printed designs."
"Our designs are based upon whimsical notions and phrases. Whether our work is pattern or words, the aim remains the same, we want you to pick up any of pieces and raise a little smile, it doesn't have to be a big, just a little one will do." -How lovely, and something I truly wish I was able to do every day in my own work.
"We hope you enjoy our work and for as long as you continue to love it we will continue to love making it."
My Favourite Product:
My Favourite Product:
Random Notes of Appreciation
I'm an aspiring design director and when I lived with others, I was the kind of person to leave them little gestures and early morning notes for them to discover. I believe its the little things that make people realise they count. Taking the time to recognise you care, makes the world of difference. These were a great inspiration for me. Nice one B&J
Imagine you're having the worst day ever, your boss has shouted at you for no apparent reason, you look like you've been dragged through the hedge backwards and to top it all, its been raining for the best part of a year. Wouldn't it be nice to find that someone has slipped a tiny note of appreciation into your bag whilst you weren't looking. Surely that would bring a smile to your face and that's what these notes are intended to do.
This set of 8 postcards each carry a note of appreciation. Make someones day by slipping one into their bag, popping one on their desk, or if you are feeling brave, just hand one to them.
Each card is approx 10cm x 7cm and is designed and hand printed by us.
The pack includes the following notes:
Chin Up Buttercup,
Keep Smiling It Suits you,
You've Made My Day,
You're My Cup Of Tea,
Have a Happy Day,
You make everything Tickety Boo,
You are the Kitty's Jim Jams,
Everything is Peachy
They come neatly tucked up in a grey box, and there are white envelopes included also printed with 'A Random Note of Appreciation'. Perfect for putting a smile on some ones face.
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