Hot Wheels

Now, everybody knows the coolest way to travel through London Town these days is by push bike, my office bike store is certainly rammed by sexy frames every morning. I can barely get to the printer and cutting boards without stepping over spokes and pumps. It was so hard not to write spokeydokes then - believe me we have a few plastic catherine wheel displays around!)
So with so many hot wheels needing to be celebrated, hugged and oggled at (rather than nicked, bent or thrown in canals) the lovely people I only know of as K and J, have found a way to tell the bike and its owner that it is being admired from afar.
A note from K and J...

Silver bikes, track bikes, vintage bikes, racing bikes, family bikes, fixed bikes. There’s a flavor for everyone.
Indulge your taste. Love your bicycle, love the bicycle down the block. Don’t be ashamed to covet—Moses rode a vintage Schwinn down the mountain.
Why are we doing this? Because life is beautiful with bicycles. You do right by the neighborhood when you mount gleaming wheels. Thank you hot-bicycle rider...
...Reward good taste: print out “your bike is hot” cards and stick one in the next hot bicycle you roll by. Leave a note; be anonymous; make your own card. It doesn’t matter. You know what matters: hot bicycle proliferation.

So people, raise your helmets, tink your bells and tell the wheels that get your hearts racing that you heart them! Jump on the site, print the cards and tell that bike it's hot!